Sunday, May 23, 2010

Adventures in...the cutest things you've ever seen!

Today, my mom, Benay and I - along with our shower group - are throwing a baby shower for a woman at church. We spent Saturday baking together, making adorable cupcakes and cookies.

Mom took these pictures, so she's not in any of them :(

I can never bake anything without getting batter and icing everywhere and alllllll over myself

We baked cupcakes and also made cookies that were shaped like a baby's onesie.

This was really my first attempt at baking for people other than myself or Todd. And also my first time to bake anything from scratch.

Here's how they turned out:

They turned out so cute, I'm kinda sad none of them broke while making them :(

1 comment:

  1. they were so fun to make! i'll never buy cookies again! okay that's a lie, but i will make these again.


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