Thursday, June 24, 2010

Adventures in Marathons

Um, no I did not actually run a marathon. If you have not heard my "marathon story" about how I happened to get suckered into participating in a marathon. Then remind me sometime. It was one of the worst days of my life - so pretty funny for you! No, this is about a different sort of marathon.

Last week was a marathon of house projects for Todd and I! We had quite a few things on our list and [Todd] decided that we should just try to get them all done before we had family and friends over Saturday night. I'm really only kidding - Todd is not quite a slave driver - but we did do a lot of work on the house last week.

I mostly painted. and painted. and painted. So much so, that my left left wrist is slightly crippled from holding my trim cup in a weird way. I painted the hallway! I'll reveal the color below - I know you're all waiting with bated breath. I also painted the master bedroom, the shutters that the lazy former owners of our house swore they had painted but clearly hadn't!, some trim around the outside of the house that should have been done by the former owners, and the front door. As I'm writing this and thinking about everything I painted, I swear it was more stuff! It feels like I've painted every surface of our home. I never want to see another paint brush again!

Todd did man stuff. Switching out light plates, working on the lawn, weeding every single weed out of our flower beds up and mulching the whole thing, and fixing the back gate.

Together, we also made a headboard for our bed - which I am really proud of!

Here are some finished pictures of all our hard work:

The hallway it is a pale yellow actually called orange glow. If you look it up on the computer, it looks peach - so don't bother.One of the blogs I read said to never use the flash for pictures (if you can help it). Here is the hallway flooded with natural light.

I had to use the flash on this one. You can see the color difference.
This hallway is home to my programs from Broadway and West End show I've seen.

The bedroom color is painted a grey-blue. Behr's "River Rocks". 
It only took me 5 testers to pick the right color.
I am always amazed at how much color changes from room to room and depending on the light.

Here is our awesome, amazing headboard!!

Todd's handy work on the weeding and my shutter paint job:

In addition to weeding and painting the shutters, we also trimmed the hedges.

Finally, here is a picture of our front door freshly painted green (it used to be white)

So I'm taking a week off! This weekend we will go to Texas to visit Todd's family in Waco and celebrate his grandmother's 80th birthday! After that we will continue out trip and go down to Galveston for a couple of days. I'm looking forward to the trip!

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