Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Right before we left on our trip to Texas, a very important (to me) package came to our home. It was our POOL! When we first moved in, our previous owners left their kid's playground in our backyard. So I put it up on craigslist! Someone paid us to take it down and haul it away (that's right. paid us!) So with the extra money and space we (I) decided that we should get a pool! We wanted a small one that was just big enough to float in and cool off.

I was so happy that our pool came in, but with leaving the next day, we decided to wait till we got back to put it up. Then when we got back it rained, and rained, and rained FOREVER! Once it finally stopped raining, we put the pool up, and I've been enjoying it ever since!

I use it for an hour or two each day. I'm even getting a little bit of a tan (not that anyone could tell! I still look pasty!)

It is twelve feet in diameter and 36" deep

We also got a solar cover for it which works surprisingly well. The older I get, the less tolerant of freezing water I am. I could have joined the polar bear club when I was little, but no more!

Here is a pic of me floating!

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1 comment:

  1. favorite line:

    "I could have joined the polar bear club when I was little, but no more!"


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