Saturday, May 15, 2010

Adventures with Family

This past Sunday was Mother's Day and Todd and I were so fortunate to have both my family and his over to our new house! I have always wanted to get our two families together more often, and this was a wonderful opportunity!  Everyone brought something for lunch and it turned out beautifully (and deliciously!) We had my Dad's BBQ brisket, potato salad, hash-brown casserole, baked beans, strawberry poppy seed salad, corn on the cob, and wheat rolls. For dessert we had a yummy layered chocolate pudding dish and carrot cake!

We had Todd's mom and dad over, as well as my mom and dad, Benay (Nick had to work), and Mimi and Papa. Meghan was stuck in Stillwater :( and Stephanie and Chris met us for dessert!

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